📖2.2. Filter product information

2.2.1. Advance Product category (Level 2)

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Advance Product category (Level 2)

Step 1: Click on “Show advanced filter”.

Step 2: Choose any categories (level 1) to your preferences.

Step 3: Choose any sub-categories (level 2) to your preferences.

The feature Advanced Product category (Level 2) enables you to personalize your pick regarding any desired sub-categories (level 2) inside a bigger category (level 1) to analyze.

2.2.2. Filter by Value

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Value

The feature Filter by Value helps screen out those products fitting the criteria that compare the product’s data with specific requirements.


Applying filter to have a list of products whose price range vary from 200,000đ to 500,000đ.

2.2.3. Filter by Parameter

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Parameter

The feature Filter by Parameter filters out those products satisfied with criteria that compare their data with each other.


Applying filter to have a list of products having total reviews higher than 3% of total sold products.

2.2.4. Filter by Brands

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Brands

The feature Filter by Brand allows you to specify brands for the list of products/SKUs. The results will only include products/SKUs with the specified brands.

2.2.5. Filter by Excluding brands

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Excluding brands

The feature Filter by Excluding brands allows you to specify brands not included in the list of products/SKUs. The results will only involve every product/SKU apart from the specified brands.

2.2.6. Filter by Location of Warehouse products were sent

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Location of Warehouse products were sent

The feature Filter by Location of Warehouse products were sent helps you to clarify the location of the warehouse (of the product and the sellers) for the list of products/SKUs in the report. The result will only exhibit those products whose locations were in the designated ones you choose.

2.2.7. Filter by Excluding Location of Warehouse products were sent

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter product information

Feature element: Filter by Excluding Location of Warehouse products were sent

The feature Filter by Excluding Location of Warehouse products were sent helps you to clarify the location of the warehouse (of the product and the sellers) to not be included in the list of products/SKUs in the report. The result will only exhibit those products whose locations were not in the designated ones you choose.

Watch detailed instructions here.

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Last updated