📖2.3. Filter by Keyword

2.3.1. Filter by Keyword

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter by Keyword

Feature element: Filter by Keyword

The feature Filter by Keyword enables you to search for products whose names contain those keywords to your preferences.


At the Keywords bar of Metric Analytics, you put in the keywords “iphone”, “ipad”, “macbook”, the result will be a list of products that “iphone”, “ipad”, “macbook” appear in their names.

You can put in this Keyword bar items such as keywords, product links, shop links.

2.3.2. Filter by Mandatory Keywords

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter by Keyword

Feature element: Filter by Mandatory Keywords

The feature Filter by Mandatory Keywords allows you to filter out only a list of products whose names must contain every designated word.

You need to add a "+" sign before the keyword or shop links or product links to apply this feature.


Applying keywords “iphone”, “ipad”, “macbook”, “+512gb”.

The result will be a list of products whose names include “iphone” or “ipad” or “macbook” and must have “512gb”.

2.3.3. Filter by Excluding Keywords

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter by Keyword

Feature element: Filter by Excluding Keywords

The feature Filter by Excluding Keywords allows you to filter out only a list of products whose names must not contain any of the designated words.

You need to add a "-" sign before the keyword or shop links or product links to apply this feature.


At the Keyword bar, you put in these keywords “iphone”, “ipad”, “macbook”, and at the Exclude Keyword bar, enter “128gb”.

This will result in a list of products whose names contain “iphone” or “ipad” or “macbook” and must not contain “128gb”, meaning a product named “Điện thoại Apple iPhone 13 128GB” will be eliminated in the result.

2.3.4. Option “Smart Query” for keywords

Feature: Analysis aid

Module: Filter by Keyword

Feature element: Option “Smart Query” for keywords

The feature Option “Smart query” helps you find products where every single word in the keywords entered in the Keyword bar did not need to appear on the product title consecutively.


Smart query with the keyword “kem chống nắng” (meaning “sunscreen”).

Normal query: find products whose names contain the 3 words above standing adjacently with each other.

Smart query: find products whose names contains 3 words “kem”, “chống”, “nắng” standing separately from each other, such as “kem nền chống nắng”, “kem đi nắng chống tia UV”,... while normal query could not find them.

Watch detailed instructions here.

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Last updated