📖1.3. Statistics

1.3.1. Category

Feature: Market analysis

Module: Statistics

Feature element: Category

Category chart illustrates the revenue or sold products of each category/sub-category in the considered period.

The category chart returns a list of categories sorted by revenue or number of products sold. If there is only one category being in the analysis, the chart will display a list of sub-categories.

Currently, Metric’s category filter can accommodate up to the 3rd sub-categories given by the E-commerce platforms.

1.3.2. Price range

Feature: Market analysis

Module: Statistics

Feature element: Price range

Price range chart shows the revenue or number of products sold in terms of a commonly-seen list of price ranges.

1.3.3. Top Brands / Top Shops

Feature: Market analysis

Module: Statistics

Feature element: Top Brands

Record of top 10 brands shows:

  • Listings of brands and market share by revenue or sold products of the top 10 brands (calculated on products whose brand information is entered by the seller in the product details) compared to the entire market.


The top 10 brands account for 5.73% of revenue, indicating that the top 10 brands for which the seller updated product information represent 5.73% of the total sales of the analyzed category.

The remaining 94.27% consists of other brands and products for which the seller did not update their brand information.

  • Market share comparison between the top 10 brands (based on products for which the seller listed brand information in the product details) in terms of sales and the number of products sold.

Feature element: Top Shops

Listing of top 10 shops describes:

  • List of shops and market share by revenue or sold products of the top 10 shops compared with the entire market.


The top 10 shops accumulate for 5.21% of revenue, indicating that the top 10 shops represent 5.21% of the total sales of the analyzed category. The remaining 94.27% consists of other shops.

  • Market share comparison between the top 10 shops in terms of revenue or number of sold products.


Compared with the top 10 shops regarding their total revenues, Apple Flagship Store led with approximately 22.9%.

1.3.4. Shop Type / Location

Feature: Market analysis

Module: Statistics

Feature element: Shop Type / Location

Statistics regarding Shop Type show:

  • Revenue or sold products of each shop type (Shop Mall, regular shop) and their market share in terms of revenue or sold products.

Listing of Location illustrates:

  • Revenue or sold products of each region of shop warehouse and market share of each region in terms of revenue or sold products.

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Last updated