10.1. Creating tickets when encountering prob
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To create tickets when encountering problems, you could follow these steps:
You need to log in Metric Analytics, then choose "Support".
Your screen would display the following options:
You could choose between “Chat on Messenger” to receive direct consultation from Metric’s customer support staff or “Create Ticket” to create support requests to Metric’s support department.
For the purposes of this instruction, you would choose “Create Ticket”.
At the home page “Ticket của tôi” to manage your tickets, you choose “Tạo mới”.
For better support, you should update full information, including:
Title (or "Tiêu đề"): You enter a clear, compact title of the problem you encountered. For example: Do not display the name of a shop on Tiktok.
Select ticket classification:
Service support (or "Hỗ trợ dịch vụ"): for support requests such as contracts, payments and other services regarding account information.
Technical support (or "Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật"): for technical support requests, errors encountered and suggestions while using Metric products.
Request content (or "Nội dung yêu cầu"): You should provide specific information about the request, the indications of problems while using Metric. In addition, you can insert additional images and attached links if available for clarification.
The ticket content should describe in detail the error you are experiencing or the feature you need supporting instructions. Try to write with correct grammar and spelling for us to understand your problems clearly.
If the problem is related to data or features on Metric, please send an image of the error or the query command when executing that leads to the error so that Metric can support you in the best way.
For any further requests, please contact hotline 033 806 2221, or send to email: info@metric.vn for advice and answers.