Session of Analysis usage


After successfully registering to use the analysis-on-session package of Metric, in the account section, you will get your account information including name of package you are using, remaining sessions of analysis, remaining lines of product to download (or “số dòng tải xuống sản phẩm còn lại”), expiration date, email used to login.

  • Remaining session of analysis: The remaining number of times you can analyze data in the service plan you are using.

  • Remaining lines of product to download: The number of Deep data download lines (in the Best-seller list) you have remaining in the service package you are using.

How Metric counts your sessions of analysis

You will be counted as using 01 analysis when you operate on the following buttons:

1. The Analyze button

1.1. Analyze button at Analyze page

1.2. Analyze button at Forecast page

2. Analyze shop command

2.1. Analyze Data from Followed Shops command at Follow shop page

2.2. Analyze shop command at Analyze page

2.3. Analyze shop command at Follow shop page

3. Open saved report button

Afterwards, you access to Report detail:

For any further requests, please contact hotline 033 806 2221, or send to email: for advice and answers.

Last updated